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Tham gia
Bài viết
Điểm tương tác
Hiện tại anh em nào ở Sài Gòn có giống gà SERAMA đẹp và quý phái hãy thành lập hội để cùng giao lưu học hỏi kinh nghiệm nuôi giống gà siêu nhỏ này nhé


Đây là hìnhcua3 2 em nó, anh em tham khảo ròi cho em ý kiến nhé. Giao lưu nhé cùng thành lập hội gà SERAMA:a04::a04::a04::a04::a04:


Thành viên tích cực
Tham gia
Bài viết
Điểm tương tác
em thì không có giồng gà này không biết có tham gia được không nhĩ em có hai chú gà lông và bốn chú gà tre lai rừng :a15: bác có thể cho em một vé làm thành viện của hội gà không em rất ham mê gà và đặc biệt mê đá gà :a03:


"The Modern Samurai"
Tham gia
Bài viết
Điểm tương tác
Bài viết tiếng Anh dưới đây được trích từ website và Đây là kim chỉ nam cho những ai mê loại gà Serama vì hiệp hội gà Serama thế giới dựa trên theo nó để chấm điểm khi có cuộc thi gà Serama thế giới. Mình thì không rành về gà lắm nên khi nói về các bộ phận của gà và các đặc tính của nó thì không biết dịch ra như thế nào. Bạn nào có khả năng xin dịch ra giùm cho các anh em mê gà Serama học hỏi.


Mature CocksMature Hens

Class A - up to 350 Grams Class A - up to 325 Grams
Class B - up to 500 Grams Class B – up to 425 Grams
Class C - up to 600 Grams Class C - up to 525 Grams

Cockerels - One Class Only - 500 Grams

Pullets - One Class Only - 425 Grams

Type - 30 points
Character - 25 points
Tail Carriage - 15 points
Wing Carriage - 10 points
Feather Quality - 10 points
Condition - 10 Points

Total possible points - 100

Comb: Single, medium, set firmly and evenly on head, straight and upright, evenly serrated with five regular and distinct points, the middle points the same length as the width of the blade, moderately arched, blade should extend well over back of head.

Beak: Strong, stout, well curved.

Face: small, rounded, smooth, fine in texture, free from wrinkle or folds.

Eyes: Round, conspicuous.

Wattles: Medium, round, fine in texture, free from wrinkles or folds.

Ear Lobes: Small, oval, fitting closely to head.

Head: Small, carried well back in proud manner.

Neck: Medium length, backward arched showing off breast, full, tapering gracefully from shoulders to head.

Hackle: Abundant, flowing naturally from front of neck reaching far back covering both shoulders.

Back: Extremely short, broad, in profile, shaped like a V with neck and tail forming the vertical sides.

Tail Coverts & Saddle: Slightly curved, sword shaped hanging over the abdomen and covering back, widely spread, overlapping the tail and lesser sickles.

Tail: Moderately large and upright, carried in an upright position so as to almost contact the back of head.

Main Tail: Feathers wide, moderately spread in a neatly overlapping manner, rising above the head, “A” shaped from the rear view.

Main Sickles: Medium to long, strong, firm, broad sword-shaped slightly curved.

Lesser Sickles:Well spread, medium length slightly upright, sword-shaped sickle feathers covered with coverts.

Coverts:Abundant, becoming very broad, flowing well up tail.

Wings: Large, long, closely folded, carried vertically not quite touching the ground, Shoulders and Fronts: Prominent, slightly concealed by hackle.

Bows:Well rounded.

Coverts: Feathers broad, forming two distinct bars across wings.

Primaries: Moderate width, rather long, completely concealed by secondaries.

Secondaries: Broad, tapering convexly to rear, wing bay well exposed.

Breast: Highly lifted, well developed, full, carried prominently forward beyond vertical line drawn from point of beak, broad and well rounded, from head to neck to breast – S shaped profile.

Body & Stern: Body- short, good depth and width, sloping from front to rear. Stern: Fluff, short, abundant.

Legs & Toes: Legs- average length, widely set, parallel to each other without bowing or knock knees, well proportioned.

Lower Thighs: Short, stout at top and tapering to hocks.

Shanks: Short, smooth, round, evenly scaled.

Toes: Four, straight, well and evenly spread, evenly scaled.

Appearance: Small, broad, compact, active, tame, standing up majestically.

Comb: Single, small, set firmly and evenly on head, straight and upright, evenly serrated with five regular and distinct points, the middle points the same length as the width of the blade, moderately arched, blade should extend well over back of head.

Beak: Strong, stout, well curved.
Face: small, rounded, smooth, fine in texture, free from wrinkle or folds.

Eyes: Round, conspicuous.

Wattles: Small, round, fine in texture, free from wrinkles or folds.

Ear Lobes: Small, oval, fitting closely to head.

Head: Small, carried well back in proud manner.

Neck: Medium length, backward arched showing off breast, full, tapering gracefully from shoulders to head.

Hackle: Abundant, flowing naturally from front of neck reaching far back covering both shoulders.

Back: Extremely short, broad, in profile, shaped like a V with neck and tail forming the vertical sides.

Cushion: Short, feathers broad and plentiful.

Tail: Moderately large and upright, carried in an upright position so as to almost contact the back of head.

Main Tail: Feathers wide, moderately spread in a neatly overlapping manner, rising above the head, “A” shaped from the rear view.

Coverts: Abundant, becoming very broad, flowing well up tail.
Wings: Large, long, closely folded, carried vertically not quite touching the ground, Shoulders and Fronts: Prominent, slightly concealed by hackle.

Bows: Well rounded.

Coverts: Feathers broad, forming two distinct bars across wings.

Primaries: Moderate width, rather long, completely concealed by secondaries.

Secondaries: Broad, tapering convexly to rear, wing bay well exposed.

Breast: Highly lifted, well developed, full, carried prominently forward beyond vertical line drawn from point of beak, broad and well rounded, from head to neck to breast – S shaped profile.

Body & Stern: Body- short, good depth and width, sloping from front to rear. Stern: Fluff, short, abundant.

Legs & Toes: Legs- average length, widely set, parallel to each other without bowing or knock knees, well proportioned.

Lower Thighs: Short, stout at top and tapering to hocks.

Shanks: Short, smooth, round, evenly scaled.

Toes: Four, straight, well and evenly spread, evenly scaled.

Appearance: Small, broad, compact, active, tame, standing up majestically.

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W.S.F. Forums!
" trim="t" fitpath="t"></v:textpath></v:shape><v:rect id=_x0000_s1251 style="Z-INDEX: 10; LEFT: 2in; VISIBILITY: visible; WIDTH: 27pt; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 0px; HEIGHT: 18pt; mso-wrap-edited: f; mso-wrap-distance-left: 2.88pt; mso-wrap-distance-top: 2.88pt; mso-wrap-distance-right: 2.88pt; mso-wrap-distance-bottom: 2.88pt" strokecolor="#996" stroked="f" fillcolor="white" filled="f" coordsize="21600,21600" o:cliptowrap="t"><v:fill color2="black"></v:fill><v:stroke dashstyle="dash"><o:left color2="white" color="black" v:ext="view"></o:left><o:top color2="white" color="black" v:ext="view"></o:top><o:right color2="white" color="black" v:ext="view"></o:right><o:bottom color2="white" color="black" v:ext="view"></o:bottom><o:column color2="white" color="black" v:ext="view"></o:column></v:stroke><v:imagedata src="standard_files/image302.wmz" o:title="DD01015_" grayscale="t" blacklevel="-1966f" gain="69719f"></v:imagedata><v:shadow color="#ccc"></v:shadow><v:path insetpenok="f"></v:path><o:lock v:ext="edit" shapetype="t"></o:lock></v:rect><v:rect id=_x0000_s1254 style="Z-INDEX: 11; 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LEFT: 4.5pt; WIDTH: 38.25pt; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 171pt; HEIGHT: 17.25pt" fillcolor="maroon" coordsize="21600,21600" type="#_x0000_t136" o:cliptowrap="t" href=""><v:stroke><o:left color2="white" color="black" v:ext="view"></o:left><o:top color2="white" color="black" v:ext="view"></o:top><o:right color2="white" color="black" v:ext="view"></o:right><o:bottom color2="white" color="black" v:ext="view"></o:bottom><o:column color2="white" color="black" v:ext="view"></o:column></v:stroke><v:shadow color="#868686"></v:shadow><v:path insetpenok="f"></v:path><v:textpath style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt; FONT-FAMILY: 'BernhardMod BT'; v-text-kern: t" string="Home" trim="t" fitpath="t"></v:textpath></v:shape><v:shape id=_x0000_s1323 style="Z-INDEX: 13; LEFT: 4.5pt; WIDTH: 36pt; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 193.5pt; HEIGHT: 17.25pt" fillcolor="maroon" coordsize="21600,21600" type="#_x0000_t136" o:cliptowrap="t" href=""><v:stroke><o:left color2="white" color="black" v:ext="view"></o:left><o:top color2="white" color="black" v:ext="view"></o:top><o:right color2="white" color="black" v:ext="view"></o:right><o:bottom color2="white" color="black" v:ext="view"></o:bottom><o:column color2="white" color="black" v:ext="view"></o:column></v:stroke><v:shadow color="#868686"></v:shadow><v:path insetpenok="f"></v:path><v:textpath style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt; FONT-FAMILY: 'BernhardMod BT'; v-text-kern: t" string="Goals" trim="t" fitpath="t"></v:textpath></v:shape><v:shape id=_x0000_s1324 style="Z-INDEX: 14; LEFT: 4.5pt; WIDTH: 97.5pt; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 3in; HEIGHT: 19.5pt" fillcolor="maroon" coordsize="21600,21600" type="#_x0000_t136" o:cliptowrap="t" href=""><v:stroke><o:left color2="white" color="black" v:ext="view"></o:left><o:top color2="white" color="black" v:ext="view"></o:top><o:right color2="white" color="black" v:ext="view"></o:right><o:bottom color2="white" color="black" v:ext="view"></o:bottom><o:column color2="white" color="black" v:ext="view"></o:column></v:stroke><v:shadow color="#868686"></v:shadow><v:path insetpenok="f"></v:path><v:textpath style="FONT-SIZE: 16pt; FONT-FAMILY: 'BernhardMod BT'; v-text-kern: t" string="Starting Point" trim="t" fitpath="t"></v:textpath></v:shape><v:shape id=_x0000_s1325 style="Z-INDEX: 15; LEFT: 4.5pt; WIDTH: 109.5pt; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 238.5pt; HEIGHT: 19.5pt" fillcolor="maroon" coordsize="21600,21600" type="#_x0000_t136" o:cliptowrap="t" href=""><v:stroke><o:left color2="white" color="black" v:ext="view"></o:left><o:top color2="white" color="black" v:ext="view"></o:top><o:right color2="white" color="black" v:ext="view"></o:right><o:bottom color2="white" color="black" v:ext="view"></o:bottom><o:column color2="white" color="black" v:ext="view"></o:column></v:stroke><v:shadow color="#868686"></v:shadow><v:path insetpenok="f"></v:path><v:textpath style="FONT-SIZE: 16pt; FONT-FAMILY: 'BernhardMod BT'; v-text-kern: t" string="Judging Serama" trim="t" fitpath="t"></v:textpath></v:shape><v:shape id=_x0000_s1327 style="Z-INDEX: 16; LEFT: 4.5pt; WIDTH: 97.5pt; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 283.5pt; HEIGHT: 19.5pt" fillcolor="maroon" coordsize="21600,21600" type="#_x0000_t136" o:cliptowrap="t" href=""><v:stroke><o:left color2="white" color="black" v:ext="view"></o:left><o:top color2="white" color="black" v:ext="view"></o:top><o:right color2="white" color="black" v:ext="view"></o:right><o:bottom color2="white" color="black" v:ext="view"></o:bottom><o:column color2="white" color="black" v:ext="view"></o:column></v:stroke><v:shadow color="#868686"></v:shadow><v:path insetpenok="f"></v:path><v:textpath style="FONT-SIZE: 16pt; FONT-FAMILY: 'BernhardMod BT'; v-text-kern: t" string="Unique Breed" trim="t" fitpath="t"></v:textpath></v:shape><v:shape id=_x0000_s1328 style="Z-INDEX: 17; LEFT: 4.5pt; WIDTH: 48pt; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 310.5pt; HEIGHT: 17.25pt" fillcolor="maroon" coordsize="21600,21600" type="#_x0000_t136" o:cliptowrap="t" href=""><v:stroke><o:left color2="white" color="black" v:ext="view"></o:left><o:top color2="white" color="black" v:ext="view"></o:top><o:right color2="white" color="black" v:ext="view"></o:right><o:bottom color2="white" color="black" v:ext="view"></o:bottom><o:column color2="white" color="black" v:ext="view"></o:column></v:stroke><v:shadow color="#868686"></v:shadow><v:path insetpenok="f"></v:path><v:textpath style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt; FONT-FAMILY: 'BernhardMod BT'; v-text-kern: t" string="Join Us" trim="t" fitpath="t"></v:textpath></v:shape><v:shape id=_x0000_s1329 style="Z-INDEX: 18; LEFT: 4.5pt; WIDTH: 105pt; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 261pt; HEIGHT: 18.75pt" fillcolor="maroon" coordsize="21600,21600" type="#_x0000_t136" o:cliptowrap="t" href=""><v:stroke><o:left color2="white" color="black" v:ext="view"></o:left><o:top color2="white" color="black" v:ext="view"></o:top><o:right color2="white" color="black" v:ext="view"></o:right><o:bottom color2="white" color="black" v:ext="view"></o:bottom><o:column color2="white" color="black" v:ext="view"></o:column></v:stroke><v:shadow color="#868686"></v:shadow><v:path insetpenok="f"></v:path><v:textpath style="FONT-SIZE: 16pt; FONT-FAMILY: 'BernhardMod BT'; v-text-kern: t" string="World Standard" trim="t" fitpath="t"></v:textpath></v:shape><v:shape id=_x0000_s1330 style="Z-INDEX: 19; LEFT: 175.5pt; WIDTH: 259.5pt; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 4.5pt; HEIGHT: 15pt" strokecolor="white" fillcolor="white" coordsize="21600,21600" type="#_x0000_t136" o:cliptowrap="t"><v:textpath style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: 'BernhardMod BT'; v-text-kern: t" string="WSF, Uniting Serama Fanciers Across the Globe." trim="t" fitpath="t"></v:textpath></v:shape><v:shape id=_x0000_s1353 style="Z-INDEX: 20; LEFT: 427.5pt; WIDTH: 135pt; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 378pt; HEIGHT: 585pt" strokecolor="black" stroked="f" fillcolor="white" filled="f" coordsize="21600,21600" type="#_x0000_t202" o:cliptowrap="t" insetpen="t"><v:fill color2="white"></v:fill><v:stroke color2="white"><o:left color2="white" color="black" v:ext="view"></o:left><o:top color2="white" color="black" v:ext="view"></o:top><o:right color2="white" color="black" v:ext="view"></o:right><o:bottom color2="white" color="black" v:ext="view"></o:bottom><o:column color2="white" color="black" v:ext="view"></o:column></v:stroke><v:shadow color="#ccc"></v:shadow><v:path insetpenok="f"></v:path><v:textbox style="MARGIN-TOP: 2.875pt; LEFT: auto; MARGIN-LEFT: 2.875pt; WIDTH: 129.25pt; TOP: auto; HEIGHT: 579.25pt; mso-column-margin: 5.76pt" inset="2.88pt,2.88pt,2.88pt,2.88pt"></v:textbox></v:shape>
Male Standard Drawing
by Catherine Stanevich


This drawing shows the ideal form of the American Serama male. This drawing represents the type to be working toward. The breast is very large and somewhat exaggerated in this drawing to stress the importance of it. The head and tail are shown touching. This is in pose and shows an extreme amount of reach, with full large breast and head and tail touching. Note that the wing is not touching the ground. This is very important. The wing should clear the ground and allow a small amount of the foot to show. This will keep the wings clean and from being tattered by being longer than the foot. A medium length leg is essential to achieving this wing carriage, as the short legs allow the wing to drag. In selecting within your breedings, remeber to select toward these points of form. The males will be easier to breed into this form, as it is more natural to them. The females are further from this idea at this time and will take longer to select to this level. By selecting height, breast and reach-in-pose on the hens, while still keeping soundness and reproducibility in mind, we can produce this form without hurting the breed.

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Female Standard Drawing


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Copyright © 2006 All rights reserved.​


"The Modern Samurai"
Tham gia
Bài viết
Điểm tương tác
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Serama are judged by table judging. The birds are individually judged and evaluated, standing free on a table in front of one or more judges. This sets the Serama apart from what most chicken breeders are used to, all other breeds are simply picked up than sat back into their cages. Therefore the Serama must not only fit the standard in appearance, it must also have the correct behavior and be easy to handle.
Sizes must not exceed the size limits for a given category. When a bird has been entered in a given category and it is found to weigh more than the standard weight for that category, that bird should be disqualified from that category and moved into the proper category.

The points are general guidelines which, by the number of points allotted, show the most important traits of the serama standard. Type, temperament and tail set are the most important traits of the serama, which set it apart from other breeds.

Temperament and Type
These are the most important traits for any Serama intended for showing. These are the basis of what makes the serama a distinct and unique breed. Both of these factors are awarded the largest number of points in the point scale, thus they should in no way be ignored.
Temperament is of the utmost importance in the serama. Temperament is based on both nature and nurture. The selection for calm and friendly temperament must be stressed in the breeding pen to increase this important trait in our breed each generation, for genetics and inheritance play a very large role in the temperament of each generation. This is nature. Further, young serama should be brought to shows so that they become accustom to the handling and crowds they will encounter at such shows. As well, you should start handling and training your birds for show at as young an age as possible. This is nurture. Aggressive birds that attack the handler should be disqualified and must not be used in the breeding pen. Wild, frightened birds which try to flee from the cage or the handler also should be disqualified. Only friendly calm birds should be used for breeding or showing.

Type is the essence of any breed. Without proper type, a bird is not recognizable as a member of a given breed. Type refers to the silhouette of the bird and is the general outline of the bird. In serama, type also refers to the way the bird poses or the carriage it has. Some serama have perpetual pose, where they are as if posed at all times. This is unnatural and should not be treated as something special. You can recognize such birds by the fact that they are always in pose and never relax and is thus not balanced when mating, feeding or perched. No extra points are to be given to such birds. What is to be preferred though is a serama with auto-pose, which is where the serama carries itself in pose without being handled or posed by the owner or judge, but can relax, with the tail being able to be moved upwards or downwards by the bird at will. The proper type and carriage of the serama is for the body to be at a 90 degree angle from the ground. The balance should not be effected and with proper carriage it is not. The head carriage of the serama is also very important to the type. The proper head carriage is for the head to be pulled back as far as possible, so that the back of the comb touches or nearly touches the main sickles and the eye is behind the leg when viewed from the side, if you were to draw a line from the front of the eye down to the leg. Thus the breast will be held out at maximum extension. Neck carriage refers to the way the neck is held to allow for the head to be held fully back, the breast fully forward, but yet the wattles do not hang on or lay on the breast. To do this, the neck must have sufficient length. Breast fullness refers to the well extended breast that is required to have proper type. The breast should be well muscled, held far forward, yet high and not at all low to the ground.
It is vitally important to the breed that the serama's body be full and well muscled, especially the breast. Thin birds, without full, solid breast muscling should be disqualified. The muscling of the bird is an indicator of vitality. Thin birds are of no use to the breed, as they are very susceptible to disease and are lacking in vitality and are generally of poor reproductive qualities.

The tail must be well held, solidly set on the body. Poorly set tails and wry tails must be disqualified. Low tails are to be discouraged.The very high angle of the tail is of great importance in creating the outline of the breed and is a major factor in the type of the serama.

True Main tail feathers - Thin and sparse main tail feathers are a detriment to the breed. Birds with less than five main tail feathers on each side should be disqualified. While five feathers on each side of the main tail is the fewest allowable, more than five on each side is preferred.

Sickles- Again, thin or sparse sickles is undesirable. Straight sickles are not desirable nor are less than five sickles on each side of the tail, while more than five per side are preferred.

Secondary Sickles - Sparse, thin or poor textured secondary sickles are not desired.

Saddles - Sparse, broken or thin saddles are to be avoided.

Wings that are held above the vertical are undesirable. Birds with wings nearly horizontal should be disqualified. Wings should not drag the ground to the point of being tattered. They should clear the ground just enough to be intact and well groomed. Wings that drag the ground and are constantly dirt, tattered and broken are to be strongly discouraged.

Legs should be long enough to keep the wing just above the ground. Very short legs are often the result of the creeper gene, and this is very undesirable in serama, as this is a chabo (Japanese bantam) trait,and is also a lethal gene. Very short legs make for ragged, tattered wings which drag the ground. Short legs are to be disqualified. Legs should be of medium length, but not long either. Very short legs, which are so short as to have little or no actual shank are also a disqualification. Further, more than four toes is also a disqualification.
Thin, sparse, picked, broken, ruffled, partially frizzled or coarse, rough feathering is undesirable. Only smooth, well textured, medium tight feathers are allowable.

Comb and Wattle
Combs should be small to medium to present an elegant and refined look. Combs of less than five points are to be disqualified. Wattles also should not be overly large. Long pendulous wattles, very large combs, combs which flop over and combs or wattles with folds and thumb marks are to be strongly discouraged.
The condition of the bird is the essence of good rearing and show preparation. Birds which are dirty, with excessively broken, roughed or tattered feathers, those which are pale faced or showing any kind of disease or physical problems should be disqualified and removed from the show.
Awards System

Because countries have different color rosettes, cups or vanes, below is an example of the award system as used by the SCNA, the leading Serama organization in America.

In each class:
One First (Blue) scores ninety or above
One Second (Red) scores eighty-five or above
One Third (Yellow) scores eighty or above

Only one blue, red, and yellow may be awarded in a given class. For example, if four entries in the same class scored 94, 92, 89 and 86 respectively, then the one which scored 94 receives the blue, the one which scored 92 receives the red, and the one which scored 89 receives the yellow.
If there were only two entries in the same class and one scored an 85 and the other a 79 the 85 would receive the red and the 79 would receive no ribbon.
To receive a SCNA Section Rosette, an entry must score ninety-five or above using the SCNA Scale of Points.

There are four major awards for SCNA exhibits:
1. SCNA Purple Award - awarded to every blue award-winning Serama scoring ninety-five or above.
2. SCNA Section Rosette- awarded to the best Serama among the SCNA winners.
3. SCNA Best-in-Show Rosette- awarded to the best of all Serama among those winning an SCNA Section Rosette.
4. SCNA Sweepstakes Rosette- awarded to the exhibitor with the most blue awards in the SCNA Rosette Sections.

In case of a tie, the exhibitor with the most SCNA Purple Awards is declared the winner. If still a tie, red, and then yellow awards are counted as tie-breakers





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Thành viên diễn đàn
Tham gia
Bài viết
Điểm tương tác
Cám ơn anh LacViet . Vya65 em biết gà em lạoi nào rồi hehehe:a01::a01:. Trống nặng 220grm mái nặng 230grm va 1con mái nữa nặng 235grm :a44::a44::a44:


Thành viên diễn đàn
Tham gia
Bài viết
Điểm tương tác
Mình ở Hà Nội nhưng vẫn muốn tham gia Hội Serama cùng các anh chị. Hiện đang nuôi 6 con các màu chắc loại B. Rất mong được vào câu lạc bộ


Thành viên diễn đàn
Tham gia
Bài viết
Điểm tương tác
Hoan nghênh bạn. Bsạn có gà không cho mọi người chiêm ngưỡng đi:a44::a44::a44:


Thành viên mới
Tham gia
Bài viết
Điểm tương tác
căn cứ phiên bản tiếng anh do bạn LacViet cung cấp mình cố gắng dùng vốn tiếng anh cùi bắp xin tạm dịch như sau nếu có chổ nào chưa đúng mong mọi người bổ sung thêm cho hoàn chỉnh nghe mà nếu lở có chổ nào sai thì đừng chém mình nghe tội nghiệp

Trọng lượng theo loại

Gà trống lớn và gà mái lớn
Mature CocksMature Hens

Loại A : cho đến 350 grams (trống) và cho đến 325 grams (mái)<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>

Class A - up to 350 Grams Class A - up to 325 Grams

Loại B : cho đến 500 grams (trống) và cho đến 425 grams (mái)<o:p></o:p>

Class B - up to 500 Grams Class B – up to 425 Grams<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
Loại C : cho đến 600 grams (trống) và cho đến 525 grams (mái)
Class C - up to 600 Grams Class C - up to 525 Grams<o:p></o:p>

Gà giò trống – Chỉ có một loại duy nhất 500 Grams
Cockerels - One Class Only - 500 Grams

Gà dưới 1 năm tuổi Chỉ có một loại duy nhất 425 Grams
Pullets - One Class Only - 425 Grams

Hệ thống chấm điểm <o:p></o:p>

POINT SYSTEM<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
Giống gà - 30 điểm <o:p></o:p>
Type - 30 points<o:p></o:p>

Đặc điểm - 25 điểm <o:p></o:p>

Character - 25 points<o:p></o:p>

Đuôi - 15 điểm <o:p></o:p>

Tail Carriage - 15 points<o:p></o:p>

Cánh - 10 điểm<o:p></o:p>

Wing Carriage - 10 points

Lông - 10 điểm<o:p></o:p>

Feather Quality - 10 points<o:p></o:p>

Điều kiện - 10 điểm
Condition - 10 Points<o:p></o:p>

Tổng điểm tối đa – 100<o:p></o:p>

Total possible points - 100



Mào : Đơn, trung bình, đứng chắc và thẳng trên đầu, hướng thẳng lên, có những 5 răng cưa cách đều nhau, chiều dài của răng cưa ở giữa bằng với chiều rộng của mào, hơi cong.
Comb: Single, medium, set firmly and evenly on head, straight and upright, evenly serrated with five regular and distinct points, the middle points the same length as the width of the blade, moderately arched, blade should extend well over back of head<o:p></o:p>

Mỏ: Cứng, cong đều.
Beak: Strong, stout, well curved<o:p></o:p>

Mặt : nhỏ, tròn, mềm mại, phẳng, không có nếp nhăn.
Face: small, rounded, smooth, fine in texture, free from wrinkle or folds.<o:p></o:p>

Mắt : tròn, to. <o:p></o:p>

Eyes: Round, conspicuous

Tích : trung bình, tròn, phẳng, không có nếp nhăn.
Wattles: Medium, round, fine in texture, free from wrinkles or folds.

Dái tai : nhỏ, hình oval, kích thước tương xứng với đầu. <o:p></o:p>

Ear Lobes: Small, oval, fitting closely to head

Đầu : nhỏ, hơi ngửa ra một cách hiên ngang. <o:p></o:p>

Head: Small, carried well back in proud manner.

Cổ: chiều dài trung bình, hơi ngửa ra sau để lộ ức, đầy, độ lớn nhỏ dần từ vai cho đến đầu. <o:p></o:p>

Neck: Medium length, backward arched showing off breast, full, tapering gracefully from shoulders to head.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
Hackle: Abundant, flowing naturally from front of neck reaching far back covering both shoulders.
Lông cổ : đầy vun, lượn đều tự nhiên từ cổ cho đến 2 vai

Lưng: rất ngắn, rộng, uốn hình chữ V từ cổ cho đến đuôi. <o:p></o:p>

Back: Extremely short, broad, in profile, shaped like a V with neck and tail forming the vertical sides.

Phần đuôi: Rộng vừa phải và thẳng đứng. <o:p></o:p>

Tail: Moderately large and upright<o:p></o:p>

Phần chính của đuôi: Lông rậm và rộng, trải đều ra, chiều cao vượt quá chiều cao của đầu, nhìn nghiêng có dạng hình chữ A
Main Tail: Feathers wide, moderately spread in a neatly overlapping manner, rising above the head, “A” shaped from the rear view
Phần đuôi uốn cong : Lông mọc chắc, uốn cong hình lưỡi gươm
Main Sickles: Medium to long, strong, firm, broad sword-shaped slightly curved.

Cánh: Rộng, dài, , khép chặt, không chạm đất, <o:p></o:p>

Wings: Large, long, closely folded, carried vertically not quite touching the ground, Shoulders and Fronts: Prominent, slightly concealed by hackle.

Ức : Đầy vun, ưỡn về phía trước, nhìn nghiêng có dáng hình chữ S.
Breast: Highly lifted, well developed, full, from head to neck to breast – S shaped profile.

Thân : Ngắn, sâu và rộng, thẳng đều từ trước đến sau. <o:p></o:p>

Body: Body- short, good depth and width, sloping from front to rear<o:p></o:p>

Chân : Chân dài trung bình, chắc chắn, hai chân song song với nhau, không cong khoèo, hai chân cân đối. <o:p></o:p>

Legs: Legs- average length, widely set, parallel to each other without bowing or knock knees, well proportioned

Đùi dưới : Ngắn, chắc.
Lower Thighs: Short, stout at top and tapering to hocks.

Cẳng : ngắn, mềm mại, tròn, cân đối.
Shanks: Short, smooth, round, evenly scaled.

Ngón chân: Bốn ngón dài, thẳng, xòe đều ra, cân đối. <o:p></o:p>
Toes: Four, straight, well and evenly spread, evenly scaled.<o:p></o:p>

Dáng vẻ : Nhỏ, rộng, cứng cáp, lanh lợi, hiên ngang, đứng thẳng oai vệ.
Appearance: Small, broad, compact, active, tame, standing up majestically<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
HÌNH THỂ CỦA GÀ MÁI<o:p></o:p>
SHAPE OF FEMALE<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
.Mào : Đơn, trung bình, đứng chắc và thẳng trên đầu, hướng thẳng lên, có những 5 răng cưa cách đều nhau, chiều dài của răng cưa ở giữa bằng với chiều rộng của mào, hơi cong.
Comb: Single, medium, set firmly and evenly on head, straight and upright, evenly serrated with five regular and distinct points, the middle points the same length as the width of the blade, moderately arched, blade should extend well over back of head<o:p></o:p>

Mỏ: Cứng, cong đều.
Beak: Strong, stout, well curved<o:p></o:p>

Mặt : nhỏ, tròn, mềm mại, phẳng, không có nếp nhăn.
Face: small, rounded, smooth, fine in texture, free from wrinkle or folds.<o:p></o:p>

Mắt : tròn, to. <o:p></o:p>

Eyes: Round, conspicuous

Tích : trung bình, tròn, phẳng, không có nếp nhăn.
Wattles: Medium, round, fine in texture, free from wrinkles or folds.

Dái tai : nhỏ, hình oval, kích thước tương xứng với đầu. <o:p></o:p>

Ear Lobes: Small, oval, fitting closely to head

Đầu : nhỏ, hơi ngửa ra một cách hiên ngang. <o:p></o:p>

Head: Small, carried well back in proud manner.

Cổ: chiều dài trung bình, hơi ngửa ra sau để lộ ức, đầy, độ lớn nhỏ dần từ vai cho đến đầu. <o:p></o:p>

Neck: Medium length, backward arched showing off breast, full, tapering gracefully from shoulders to head.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
Hackle: Abundant, flowing naturally from front of neck reaching far back covering both shoulders.
Lông cổ : đầy vun, lượn đều tự nhiên từ cổ cho đến 2 vai

Lưng: rất ngắn, rộng, uốn hình chữ V từ cổ cho đến đuôi. <o:p></o:p>

Back: Extremely short, broad, in profile, shaped like a V with neck and tail forming the vertical sides.

Phần đuôi: Rộng vừa phải và thẳng đứng. <o:p></o:p>

Tail: Moderately large and upright<o:p></o:p>

Phần chính của đuôi: Lông rậm và rộng, trải đều ra, chiều cao vượt quá chiều cao của đầu, nhìn nghiêng có dạng hình chữ A
Main Tail: Feathers wide, moderately spread in a neatly overlapping manner, rising above the head, “A” shaped from the rear view
Phần đuôi uốn cong : Lông mọc chắc, uốn cong hình lưỡi gươm
Main Sickles: Medium to long, strong, firm, broad sword-shaped slightly curved.

Cánh: Rộng, dài, , khép chặt, không chạm đất, <o:p></o:p>

Wings: Large, long, closely folded, carried vertically not quite touching the ground, Shoulders and Fronts: Prominent, slightly concealed by hackle.

Ức : Đầy vun, ưỡn về phía trước, nhìn nghiêng có dáng hình chữ S.
Breast: Highly lifted, well developed, full, from head to neck to breast – S shaped profile.

Thân : Ngắn, sâu và rộng, thẳng đều từ trước đến sau. <o:p></o:p>

Body: Body- short, good depth and width, sloping from front to rear<o:p></o:p>

Chân : Chân dài trung bình, chắc chắn, hai chân song song với nhau, không cong khoèo, hai chân cân đối. <o:p></o:p>

Legs: Legs- average length, widely set, parallel to each other without bowing or knock knees, well proportioned

Đùi dưới : Ngắn, chắc.
Lower Thighs: Short, stout at top and tapering to hocks.

Cẳng : ngắn, mềm mại, tròn, cân đối.
Shanks: Short, smooth, round, evenly scaled.

Ngón chân: Bốn ngón dài, thẳng, xòe đều ra, cân đối. <o:p></o:p>
Toes: Four, straight, well and evenly spread, evenly scaled.<o:p></o:p>

Dáng vẻ : Nhỏ, rộng, cứng cáp, lanh lợi, hiên ngang, đứng thẳng oai vệ.
Appearance: Small, broad, compact, active, tame, standing up majestically<o:p></o:p>
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Hình một gà trống tiêu chuẩn do
Catherine Stanevich vẽ<o:p></o:p>
Male Standard Drawing
by Catherine Stanevich

<v:shapetype id=_x0000_t75 o:preferrelative="t" coordsize="21600,21600" filled="f" stroked="f" o:spt="75" path="m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe"><v:stroke joinstyle="miter"></v:stroke><v:formulas><v:f eqn="if lineDrawn pixelLineWidth 0"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @0 1 0"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum 0 0 @1"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @2 1 2"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelWidth"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelHeight"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @0 0 1"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @6 1 2"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelWidth"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @8 21600 0"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelHeight"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @10 21600 0"></v:f></v:formulas><v:path o:extrusionok="f" o:connecttype="rect" gradientshapeok="t"></v:path><o:lock v:ext="edit" aspectratio="t"></o:lock></v:shapetype><v:shape id=_x0000_i1025 style="WIDTH: 309.75pt; HEIGHT: 530.25pt" type="#_x0000_t75" alt=""><v:imagedata src="file:///C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\msohtml1\02\clip_image003.jpg" o:href=""></v:imagedata></v:shape>

nh vẽ này là hình mẫu lý tưởng của gà trống Serama Mỹ. Ức rất rộng và có phần cường điệu nhằm nhấn mạnh tầm quan trọng của ức gà. Đầu và đuôi trông rất ấn tượng. Lưu ý rằng cánh không chạm đất. Điều này rất quan trọng. Cánh phải cách mặt đất và để lộ một phần chân . Chân dài vừa phải là rất quan trọng vì nó sẽ làm cho bộ cánh trông cân đối và không chạm đất, vì chân ngắn sẽ làm cánh bị xoạc ra. Nếu lựa chọn giống thì phải chú ý những điểm quan trọng này. Những con trống có những tiêu chuẩn trên đây sẽ phối giống tốt hơn và thuận lợi hơn. Đối với gà mái thì không cần phải theo tiêu chuẩn này vì chọn theo tiêu chuẩn này sẽ rất khó và lâu. Chỉ cần lựa chọn chiều cao, ức và tư thế gà mái như trên đây đồng thời lưu ý đến khả năng sinh sản của chúng là chúng ta có thể tạo ra giống gà tốt. <o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>
This drawing shows the ideal form of the American Serama male. This drawing represents the type to be working toward. The breast is very large and somewhat exaggerated in this drawing to stress the importance of it. The head and tail are shown touching. This is in pose and shows an extreme amount of reach, with full large breast and head and tail touching. Note that the wing is not touching the ground. This is very important. The wing should clear the ground and allow a small amount of the foot to show. This will keep the wings clean and from being tattered by being longer than the foot. A medium length leg is essential to achieving this wing carriage, as the short legs allow the wing to drag. In selecting within your breedings, remeber to select toward these points of form. The males will be easier to breed into this form, as it is more natural to them. The females are further from this idea at this time and will take longer to select to this level. By selecting height, breast and reach-in-pose on the hens, while still keeping soundness and reproducibility in mind, we can produce this form without hurting the breed.


Hình vẽ gà mái tiêu chuẩn<o:p></o:p>
Female Standard Drawing

<v:rect id=_x0000_s1032 style="MARGIN-TOP: 148.5pt; Z-INDEX: 7; MARGIN-LEFT: 427.5pt; WIDTH: 134.45pt; POSITION: absolute; HEIGHT: 230.25pt; mso-position-horizontal-relative: text; mso-position-vertical-relative: text" o:cliptowrap="t" o:preferrelative="t" filled="f" stroked="f" insetpen="t"><v:shadow color="#ccc"></v:shadow><v:path insetpenok="f" o:extrusionok="f"></v:path><o:lock v:ext="edit" aspectratio="t"></o:lock></v:rect><v:rect id=_x0000_s1033 style="MARGIN-TOP: 985.5pt; Z-INDEX: 8; MARGIN-LEFT: 427.5pt; WIDTH: 135pt; POSITION: absolute; HEIGHT: 189.75pt; mso-position-horizontal-relative: text; mso-position-vertical-relative: text" o:cliptowrap="t" o:preferrelative="t" filled="f" stroked="f"><v:shadow color="#ccc"></v:shadow><v:path insetpenok="f" o:extrusionok="f"></v:path><o:lock v:ext="edit" aspectratio="t"></o:lock></v:rect><v:shape id=_x0000_s1034 style="MARGIN-TOP: 963pt; Z-INDEX: 9; MARGIN-LEFT: 427.5pt; WIDTH: 2in; POSITION: absolute; HEIGHT: 22.5pt; mso-position-horizontal-relative: text; mso-position-vertical-relative: text" o:cliptowrap="t" filled="f" stroked="f" type="#_x0000_t202"><v:shadow color="#ccc"></v:shadow><v:path insetpenok="f"></v:path><v:textbox style="mso-column-margin: 5.76pt" inset="2.88pt,2.88pt,2.88pt,2.88pt"></v:textbox></v:shape><v:shape id=_x0000_i1026 style="WIDTH: 309.75pt; HEIGHT: 435.75pt" type="#_x0000_t75" alt=""><v:imagedata src="file:///C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\msohtml1\02\clip_image004.jpg" o:href=""></v:imagedata></v:shape><o:p></o:p>


Thành viên diễn đàn
Tham gia
Bài viết
Điểm tương tác
cám ơn anh Hùng nha :a01::a01::a01: . Mọi người cùng góp tay thành lập hội gà SERAMA đi nào:a44::a44::a44:


Thành viên diễn đàn
Tham gia
Bài viết
Điểm tương tác
thấy mấy con serama ma khoái quá, mình cũng nuôi gà tre nhưng con trống mình nặng đến 500g, con mái thì cũng 400 - 500. có ai muốn share gà thì cho mình biết với.


Thành viên diễn đàn
Tham gia
Bài viết
Điểm tương tác
up cho lên nè . Có ai ủng hộ lập hội gà SERAMA ko ne' :a27::a27::a27::a27::a27::a27:

Chủ đề được đánh giá cao

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